Sunday, May 27, 2012

When to Include your Mexican and Other Financial Assets on Form 8938 and FBAR forms

The IRS has released a chart giving some guidance on  what you need to include in  the FBAR form (TDF 90-22.1) and what types of assets are included in the new 2011 form 8938.  The best course of action is always to  include a financial asset in the appropriate form(s) even if the IRS is not clear what should be included. CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE IRS CHART ON 8938 AND FBAR  items to be included or excluded.


  1. Your post is very essential for those who didn't know when to include your Mexican and Other Financial Assets on Form 8938 and FBAR forms. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. Well, it good that the IRS has released a chart giving some guidance on what you need to include in the FBAR form (TDF 90-22.1)it is important to know.


  3. I am glad to know this very interesting post. I think this is really needed and very helpful to everyone. Thanks for letting us to know this about FBAR form.
